de Hart Botanical Gardens
The entrance is marked with a small gazebo with a guest book of sorts, where visitors are asked to register. Then, off into the woods it was. The trails wind and wrap around, and then we were surprised with a lovely tranquil lake with turtles sunning on the rocks and lovely flora and fauna all around.
The De Hart Botanical Gardens was a recent gift to Louisburg College by the Allen de Hart Family. According to a press release from Louisburg College,
“The gift of the De Hart Gardens will mark one of the greatest historic developments in the 225-year history of the College,” says Louisburg College President Dr. Mark La Branche. “It represents an extraordinary legacy created by God, and fashioned through the mind, heart, and hands of Allen de Hart. This gift will more than double the land mass of our campus, and significantly expand our learning environment.”
The next time you have a few minutes to take an incredible nature walk, consider the trails at De Hart Botanical Gardens, and don’t forget your camera!