Bathroom Remodeling for the Needs of the Elderly or Disabled
Friday, 15 January 2016
People with Disabilities or the Elderly have special needs when it comes to being able to handle themselves in a bathroom. Remodeling a bathroom to meet these needs is a challenge where safety and usability are major concerns. The benefit of designing with accessibility in mind allows a person to maintain their independence and privacy. When planning a remodel the major items to analyze are floor space, toilet, shower/bath, door widths and vanity needs.
Floor Space. Plan as much clear floor space as possible. At least a 60″ diameter is needed for a wheelchair to maneuver comfortably. Select floor materials that are non skid and have a smooth surface for moving a wheelchair.
Toilet. Install a raised comfort seat toilet. … Read the rest
- Published in Garner NC, Wake County
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