Then it’s time to visit Sherry’s Signature Cheesecakes at 120 East Main Street in Historic Downtown Clayton NC. Sherry’s Signature Cheesecakes is comfortably located at the beautifully renovated historic Queen Anne style house in Downtown Clayton.
Take a break from the day and enjoy homemade coffee cakes, homemade muffins, our delicious homemade granola bars, and, of course, Sherry’s own Signature cheesecakes along with a cup of coffee or tea.
All cheesecakes and other goods are made on premises to ensure you get only best when you visit Sherry’s Signature Cheesecakes. No added preservatives, nothing artificial, all of these baked goods are a treat to all the senses. Sherry uses only the best ingredients and purchases from local sources whenever possible. With over 50 cheesecake flavors to choose from, you’re sure to find one that you love!
Now, in the off chance that you DON’T see the perfect signature cheesecake for you, come on in, sit down with a cup of “magical” coffee and let Sherry know what kind of cheesecake that it is you would love to have. If she hasn’t made it before, then give her a few days to work with the recipe to come up with your new favorite cheesecake! Try it and you won’t be sorry!
Stop by and give yourself a treat today or call us to place an order for your next party, business event, or just a treat for the family!