My name is Kevin Oakley, and I am the owner of EMERG+NC Property Rescuers… “Your Property Trauma Lifeline”…
We are a locally owned certified insurance claim contracting firm that provides “rapid recovery” from unexpected property damage events of virtually “any type” on a 24 /7 / 365 basis. Most commonly we address destructive accidents caused by Water, Flood, Mold, Fire, Smoke, Wind and Biohazard mishaps.
We offer professional, all-risk-insured credibility for both residential and commercial structures, such as EMS (Emergency Mitigation Services) and CPR (Critical Property Restoration)… Or both, as comprehensive “turnkey projects” depending on what our customers need.
Because the insurance business is a regulated industry, all professional “insurance claim contractors” MUST be fully certified, use industry standardized pricing and work directly for the end-users of their services, and NOT for the insurance companies.
However a very large majority of these contractors are “spoon-fed customer referrals” based on the negotiated terms of large national contracts that are largely designed to meet the needs of the insurance company, which beckons the question: “who really is their customer”?
At EMERG-NC, we choose NOT to participate with one-sided insurance claim vendor programs, which are a true conflict of interest from our perspective… Our customers know who we are and can call us directly… We also receive our referrals directly from trusted professional insurance Agents and Adjusters who knows their customers personally.
We KNOW who OUR customers are… YOU and everyone you know that is important to you! If you need a true advocate in your time of need, call 919-EMERG-NC… “We’ll Respond in a Heartbeat!”
Contact Emerg-NC for all types of property damage restoration – fire damage repair, water damage restoration, smoke damage cleanup, general flood cleanup – if your home or business proeprty has become damaged, we’ve GOT your solution! Find out more at Emerg-NC.com!